Should You Play Music in Your Medical Waiting Room?

The act of waiting is universally unloved; it can feel like time stands still. By introducing music into your private practice's waiting room, you can help to diminish the perceived waiting time for your patients. This is not merely a comfort—there is a growing body of evidence to suggest that occupied brains feel time less intensely. For doctors and healthcare workers, creating a calm and positive patient experience isn't just about medical expertise, but it's also about establishing the right tone from the minute a patient steps in. In this article, we’re going to explore whether you should consider playing music in your waiting room and how to go about it so that it benefits your practice and your patients.

A Playlist for Every Palette

The world of streaming services and music genres can feel like a lot to take in, but having diversity is key when your audience is varied. A study on music in medical waiting rooms revealed interesting findings about how it affects patients and staff. In the mix of different music styles, classical music really shined, getting the top scores for boosting mood. Surprisingly, it was the medium volume that clicked the most with listeners, hitting that sweet spot of being clear but not too loud. This discovery highlights how crucial it is to pick and adjust the playlist volume wisely for creating a waiting room environment that boosts positivity and relaxation for all.

What Platform Should I Use for Music in My Waiting Room?

Choosing the right platform to play music in your waiting room is crucial for maintaining the ambiance and ensuring compliance with licensing laws. Here are several options ideal for a business context:

Soundtrack Your Brand

Tailored specifically for businesses, Soundtrack Your Brand (originally Spotify Business) allows you to legally play music in your waiting room. It offers features like scheduling songs for different times of the day and creating a mood that matches your brand values. This service guarantees that music licenses are properly managed.

SiriusXM for Business

SiriusXM for Business is another excellent option, providing a wide range of channels without commercials. Sirius offers music licensed for commercial play, thus removing any legal worries about playing music in a public space. The diverse channels range from pop to jazz, ensuring there's something for every waiting room.

Pandora for Business

Powered by Mood Media, Pandora for Business leverages the personalized experience of Pandora with legal licensing for business use. It requires a small monthly fee and the purchase of a Mood Media player, but it offers the ability to customize stations and control the music remotely. By selecting any of these platforms, clinics can enhance their waiting-room environment while adhering to legal requirements for playing music in public spaces.

Concluding Chords

Choosing the right music streaming service for your business is a crucial step in creating an inviting atmosphere for your customers. Services like Spotify for Business, Soundtrack Your Brand, SiriusXM for Business, and Pandora for Business provide legal, diverse, and customizable music options that can significantly enhance the waiting room experience. By considering factors such as music variety, licensing concerns, and the ability to align the music with your brand's values, businesses can select the service that best fits their needs. Ultimately, investing in a suitable music streaming service not only supports artists but also sets a positive tone for patients, potentially boosting satisfaction and loyalty.
