Proposed Cuts to Physician Fees for Medicare Patients: What Does This Mean? Will It Happen?

We know you’re busy running your practice and taking care of patients, but there’s something important on the horizon you might want to keep an eye on.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has proposed cutting physician fees for Medicare patients.

Let’s break down what this means and the process a change must go through to happen, all while keeping things straightforward.

What’s Going On?

The CMS periodically reviews and adjusts the fee schedules that determine how much physicians are paid for treating Medicare patients.

This year, they’ve proposed [a cut to these fees]( released its annual proposed,July 10 CMS news release.). The idea behind the cuts is often to control healthcare costs and allocate resources more efficiently. But for those of us in private practice, this can sound pretty alarming.

What Does This Mean for Your Practice?

A fee cut means you could be getting paid less for the same services you’re already providing to Medicare patients. This can impact your revenue, especially if a significant portion of your patient base is on Medicare.

Here are some points to mull:

Revenue Impact: Lower fees can directly reduce your income from Medicare patients.

**Operational Changes:**You might need to rethink your budgeting, staffing, or even the services you offer.

Patient Care: There could be a temptation to see more patients in less time to make up for the shortfall, which might affect the quality of care.

But let’s not hit the panic button just yet.

Will This Actually Happen?

Proposals like these don’t happen fast. There’s a process they need to go through, which includes:

Public Comment Period: This is where healthcare providers, patients, and other stakeholders can voice their opinions and concerns.

Revisions: Based on the feedback, CMS may revise the proposal.

Final Rule: The final decision comes later in the year, and it might look different from the initial proposal.

What Can You Do Now?

Stay Informed: Keep an eye on updates from CMS and professional organizations like the American Medical Association (AMA). They’ll provide updates and insights on how this is progressing.

Get Involved: During the public comment period, which goes through Sept. 9, submit your feedback. Share how these cuts could impact your practice and patient care.

Plan Ahead: Start thinking about how you might adjust your practice if these cuts go through. This might involve streamlining operations, exploring new revenue streams, or even negotiating better terms with other insurers.

Educate Your Patients: If you have a lot of Medicare patients, let them know what’s going on. They can also submit feedback during the public comment period. Plus, they’ll appreciate being kept in the loop.


While the proposed fee cuts by CMS are certainly something to watch, they’re not set in stone. Use this time to stay informed, get involved, and plan for potential changes. By being proactive, you can better navigate whatever comes next and continue providing top-notch care to your patients.

Remember, you’re not alone in this. The healthcare community is vast, and there are plenty of resources and colleagues out there to support you. So, take a deep breath, stay engaged, and let’s see how this unfolds together.

If you’ve got thoughts or questions about this, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re all in this together, and sharing information and strategies can only make us stronger.
